Friday, December 14, 2012

Art or Barf Bag?

Wanted to show off Lucas's artistic ability and expression. This came home with him from Pre-School, it is so refrigerator art worthy. My husband & I are so very proud and blessed!

(Frankly, I'm very surprised it made it into his bookbag, but so glad it did. It created a good l-o-n-g hard laugh!! State Art Show, look out!!)

"This is what it looks like when I throw up." 
By: Lucas 10/2/12

Dana Hunt-Me                

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Spreading A Little Holiday Joy, No Period Required.

   This is how my story flows, the three of us strumming into rows, indulging in some quiet Christmas shopping joys, without the rest of our boys.

   As Abram strolls, there we were, digging through racks of goodies on poles.

   When out of the corner of my eye did appear but a glimpse of my husband in total fear; I look down, to find myself busting out with a tear.

   For the act that had happened was so sincere, for we should have known, there was too much silence near.

   There sat our two-year-old son, so shiny and bright, unwrapping a plastic thingy-ma-jigger in such delight.

   So my purse held that one special thing, that kept his mind in string, oh, I mean swing.

   As we stood and watched, our dear son try to apply it as lip gloss, I thought to myself, it probably would work better as floss.

   Now my husbands fear has turned into two bold rouged cheeks, and after having four kids I was in fear of a leak.

   I look at my husband, red cheeks and all and think, WOW, he would make the most perfect Santa Clause; and perhaps now, I could land myself in a commercial for pre-menopause. 

   And so what might you think we would make from this, but that Tampax has been the achiever in bliss. 

  So Merry Christmas to all and all a goodnight, this story will once again come to light; when his wedding day glows so bright.


Dana Hunt-Me



Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Me So Funny - Finding culture within yourself.

 So how hard is it to order white rice?

  So there I was at the counter of our favorite Chinese Restaurant placing an order to go. I was able to clearly start my order off with two large wonton soups but everything went down hill after that.


  This is the gal that kindly makes her husband call and place the order so I can just hear him speak in his half-chinese (not an ounce in him), half- cacasian (fully loaded with a speck of Viking) voice. And, by the time he hangs-up, I wonder if he should have been taking the order? I will capture the video of his amazing award-worthy ablity one day, I have yet to catch him off guard, must be that speck of Viking.


  So back to that counter, where I stood still trying to place my order, "Ok, two wonton soup" said the lady taking my order, "What else?", and what happened to roll out of my mouth but this, "and one large right rice". I thought to myself no that can't be, I did not just say that, well, not only did I say it, but she apprently did not understand me (???) or found some humor in having me repeat it. So I said it twice and this time louder and not on purpose may I add; I even tried super hard to say correctly. "I WILL TAKE ONE LARGE RIGHT RICE".


  Perhaps, the small portion of Asian in my blood is translating through me?

Dana Hunt-Me

Monday, November 19, 2012

My Life Looking Twenty Years Back, Stepping Out Of The Shadow For A Change. We Need To Make A Stand.

  Stepping Out Of The Shadow For A Change.


  I am a resident of Jefferson County, West Virginia. I was born, raised and have lived here my whole life. I recently read an article in our local newspaper, The Journal, titled: "In Search Of Answers"  - "Parents concerned with school district’s response to complaints." I was very angered and saddened to hear that this was still happening 20 plus years after the same thing happened to me on a bus, with very little change in the outcome. It is a vicious cycle that continues to play over and over, and will countinue until change happens, let's break the cycle!

  This is a life changing event that someone decided to force upon another and will forever have a lasting effect.  We as parents, students, classmates and school personnel,  need to make a stand and work together. These acts of bullying, sexual and physical assaults need to be dealt with and not just swept under the rug. Much of this could be prevented if prior actions were taken within the schools, this needs to be a joint effort made by everyone coming together.

  We should feel some kind of security in sending our children off to school, yet they are the ones that seemingly have to protect themselves. I'm hearing that if they have to stand up for themselves, then they are the ones that get punished for doing so. Our children should not have to just stand there and take it.  I do not believe that fighting will solve the solution, but standing up for yourself is a completely  different story. We are in need of a big change in the School System (B.O.E); and the rules and regulations that govern our county schools.

  As I said, this has been ongoing for years. I was also extremely bullied and also sexually abused on a bus over twenty years ago.  The events were reported to the school, yet no action was ever taken.

  These acts are very serious and are not pleasant to hear.  But they do happen and will continue to happen. We need to make a stand and give our hard working teachers and bus drivers more ability to make more actions and help them stand behind their actions and their abilities to act.

  In 2007, prior to my second pregnancy with twins, I decided to apply to  Jefferson County Schools Transit System as a Bus Driver to supplement my families income. I went through all my training and was certified in 2008. I was a substitute driver and I was blown away by the lack of control I had on the bus and the over-whelming responsibilities and duties. I felt as if my hands were tied, I was against the odds.

  I'm also very sad to say, that dealing with the behavior of some of our children, mostly middle school aged, was not at all easy.  They were very creative in their word choices and actions towards me as a driver. Here I am, a grown adult and I felt like I was back being bullied in school. So I have seen it through the eyes of our bus drivers and have walked a mile in their shoes.

  I have seen both sides, neither which are easy or acceptable to say the least, but something has to give.  Regarding the children that are making these horrible decisions, they need to be held accountable for their action regardless of whom they are related. And, classmates, if you know or even think that something is going to happen, tell a parent, a teacher or someone within the school that you trust. As parents we need to become more aware and talk more with our children, get inside their heads and see the real picture. It is amazing how many sexual acts, both consensual and non-consensual, are happening while our children are under the eyes of our schools.  There is a good chance that they will not tell you unless you dig deep within them.

  As of today, I have four children, three that attend our public schools. I now transport my children to their school and will do so as long as I am able. It is not because I do not trust our bus drivers but because I feel the system does not work for either party, teachers included.

  I feel this is will not be a quick resolve and will take the efforts of all involved.  I do applaud those parents that have and continue to step forward for their children. I believe, if we as parents are aware of the actions happening, good or bad, to our children, we can make things different for them and the outcome of their well-being. But, we also need to be heard and not taken for granted by those who can help the most, The School Board (B.O.E).


 The Answer Is Within Us, Lets Step Out Of The Shadow Together.

Dana Hunt-Me

Just about a toothbrush or is it?

  My son, Christian, and I were having a conversation one night about retiring his old toothbrush for his new one. He looked at me and said this, "Mom,...sometimes I  just have a hard time saying good-bye to certain things, I just feel like they have their own life."

  I so get you, Christian. You are my heart & soul, I am so blessed for you in my life! Amazing you are, Christian.

Dana Hunt-Me

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Say cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger....

Say cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger....
                         Abe - November, 7th 2012    

Dana Hunt-Me        

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Road That Takes You.

  I remember when these country roads were small and went both ways....


  Remember when, going downtown meant that's where you mean to go.

  Remember when, standing up for what you believed in meant something and was not looked down upon.

  Remember when, ignorance was not well tolerated and teachers had the say.

  Remember when, parents were parents and not friends to their children.

  Remember when, losing your marbles meant just what it means, and others helped you pick them up.

  Remember when, a secret meant it was kept that way and someones word meant just that.

  Remember when, family meant kin.

  Remember when, asking for a cup meant that others sugar bowls were full, if you were in need.

  Remember when, getting mail meant going to a mailbox.

  Remember when, working hard for something meant earning it and not just going out to get it.

  Remember when, the pledge meant; One Nation Under God.

  Remember when, getting lost meant finding yourself on an old dirt road.


 I remember when these country roads were small, went both ways and took you where you belong, home.  
Dana Hunt-Me  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Fezziwig or Scrooge"

 Most everyone knows about, Charles Dickens, and one of his most famous novels, "A Christmas Carol". I found this interesting and wanted to share it. 

  I'm feeling like I'm getting Scrooged!

Dana Hunt-Me

"Mr. Fezziwig is a character from the novella A Christmas Carol created by Charles Dickens to provide contrast with Ebenezer Scrooge's attitudes towards business ethics. Fezziwig, who apprenticed Scrooge is everything that Scrooge is not [1] and is portrayed as a happy, foppish man with a large Welsh wig. In stave 2 of A Christmas Carol, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge to revisit his youthful days in Fezziwig's world located at the cusp of the Industrial Revolution. Dickens used Fezziwig to represent a set of communal values and a way of life which was quickly being swept away in the economic turmoil of the early nineteenth century.[2][3]
Scrooge is reminded how his own values have diverged greatly from those of someone he once admired. Fezziwig is also a capitalist, but he moderates profit maximization with kindness, generosity, and affection for his employees. Fezziwig cannot go too far in ignoring profitability – if his products cost too much he will be out competed. If his margins are too low, he will be unable to secure loans to continue operations. [4] In the early 19th century such small owner-controlled traders were being swept up. In the 1951 screenplay for the movie Scrooge by Noel Langley, Fezziwig is advised to bend with the times and sell out, but Fezziwig resists this call to progress:
Jorkin: "Mr. Fezziwig, we’re good friends besides good men of business. We’re men of vision and progress. Why don’t you sell out while the going’s good? You’ll never get a better offer. It’s the age of the machine, and the factory, and the vested interests. We small traders are ancient history, Mr. Fezziwig.”
Fezziwig: “It’s not just for money alone that one spends a lifetime building up a business…. It’s to preserve a way of life that one knew and loved. No, I can’t see my way to selling out to the new vested interests, Mr. Jorkin. I’ll have to be loyal to the old ways and die out with them if needs must.”[5]
In the end, Jorkin hires away Scrooge and buys out Fezziwig's business, moving it from private to shareholder ownership. As agent of shareholder interests, Jorkin and his managers Scrooge and Marley are constrained from diverging from the goals of profitability, making it more difficult to be a Fezziwig even if they were inclined to[4]. Fezziwig's successor Jorkin demonstrates the weakness of self-interest when he announces to the Board of directors that the company is insolvent after years of embezzling. Scrooge and Marley demonstrate their cunning self-interest by using the crisis to attain controlling interest in the company. In Langley's and director Brian Desmond Hurst's Scrooge, these new managers replacing the Fezziwigs are predatory towards shareholders and employees alike, the product of a process and a mindset that Dickens felt was at odds with humanity itself.[3][6]
In A Christmas Carol starring Kelsey Grammer, Fezziwig, following a downturn in his business, comes to Scrooge for a business loan. Scrooge, starting to turn into his greedy self, refuses the request, stating that he (Scrooge) would be throwing good money after bad."


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Look The Other Way.

  I wake up every morning, step outside of my back door and I look out at two of the most beautiful people who have ever stood. They have so much history, so much grace, and they also have so much they could say. I wish I could help them, but I was told to look the other way. Perhaps they might wonder why I look their way? For it has nothing to do with them, just the beauty that lays within. I wish I could help you. Oh, I wish for you, the day, that they can see within you, the stories you portray. I am so sorry I can't help you, but for now, I just have to look the other way.

         Nature is PRICELESS, but not be be over-looked.                               

Dana Hunt-Me

Friday, October 19, 2012

Difference To Different.

   I think sometimes you have to be different to make a difference, and differences sometimes makes you have to be different to be seen and heard. 


  Views are different from different angles and angles are different from others views, which could make a difference.


  Walking in someone else's shoes would be different than walking in your own. Some shoes of others fit and if by chance they do, wear them; see, walk and feel their difference and maybe even understand. If the shoes do not fit, step out of the difference.


  To be different might appear strange, but it is rare and takes strength. To go with the current is easy and most times effortless, it is when you swim against the current that is hard. The current also moves in different directions time to time, we decide which way we will flow and what we might gain or lose within the process of a decision. Each of our decisions are different and might make a difference.


  Most who gain something in the process of a decision could make a difference, but often go with the current, with having something to lose on the outside. Most who lose something, are different and often swim against the current, with much more to gain on the inside, during the struggle of the difference.


  Difference is to make a distinct change and to have a significant effect on. Different is to stand out unlike most others and to be distinct. Don't let anybodies difference tell you different. 

Dana Hunt-Me

Thursday, October 18, 2012


  I believe I have MOMMY AMNESIA !!

  I just wish I could remember all the things I wanted to, and forget all the things I remember!!


Dana Hunt-Me

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


  My five-year-old son, Logan, is quite a spunky little fire-cracker. His favorite color is red, he does amazingly well at saying what is on his mind with no holding back; and he is in love with Lightning McQueen, as lots of children are.

  Logan, just started Pre-K and looks forward to going to school everyday. Just the other day, he came home with a little paper book that he had put together at school (staples and all), titled "Steve McQueen". He was so very proud to show off his book that he had made, but, I had to wonder though, who was Steve McQueen to him? So this prompted me to ask him, "Who is Steve McQueen?".  He told me, "My teacher does not know who Lightning McQueen is, so he is now Steve McQueen.", "Oh...., okay." I replied. A few seconds went by and Logan leaned into me to get my attention and said very softly to me, "Mom, I think he has gone undercover!!".


  So now he is good ol' Steve McQueen!!

*A one liner from Logan's book: "Then Steve McQueen saw Mater." I think it is about the cutest thing ever!! He'd probably think so too...... Cool Man!

Dana Hunt-Me

Along Came A Spider and Then.....

 My son, Lucas (who is five), made us aware that he will be changing his name when he gets older to,.......... Peter Parker.


Dana Hunt-Me

Sunday, October 14, 2012


  I absolutely take zero responsibility of my actions, what I say or do. You and I can blame it on my mom's IUD. I'm proof, good or bad for you, Ha.......I'm here!

Dana Hunt-Me

Friday, October 12, 2012

Pieces of (My) Mind.

  Have you ever sat back and looked at a midnight sky with the stars scattered all around, a natural instant high.  My mind starts to wonder away with so many thoughts and questions that can not be answered.


  It amazes me that we are here on a planet, let alone the thought of what is beyond all those scattered stars and space. Everything is so complex, or is it? Is all of this that surrounds us huge or merely just a speck of dust?


  I feel we would be foolish to believe that we are the only ones that exist beyond here, there has to be more out there, more to it. Whether it is heaven, other living planets or places, aliens (maybe we are them?), who is it to say and who has the completely right answer.


  These questions and thoughts cross my mind time to time, especially when I look up at a star filled night; and I'm sure most everyone else wonders too. Maybe, it would be too much for us to take in or understand now.  Or, could it be that we as "humans" make things more complicated than things really should be and take to many things for granted. It might be that the answer is so simple, that we just can not comprehend it.


  If I had only one question to ask and to ever be answered would be, "What is beyond space?" and the answer could not be nothing (I would not except that answer), because nothing has to be something!

  Pieces of My Mind.

Dana Hunt-Me


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Just Icing On The Cake.

   I have to wonder, what's worse, or perhaps, what's more healthy?

  My two-year-old son loves to pretend he is a dog. He eats our dogs dry dog food and he kindly shares it with the dogs too (so sweet), but..........

  We had birthday cake with blue icing on it the other day, and he had blue poop for three days?? Hummm?? I wonder, I think I'm siding with the dog food!!

Dana Hunt-Me


"The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side".

  My son, Lucas, who is five, asked today if this was HEAVEN. My husband and I both quickly responded, "NO!" and we discussed our feelings and ideas of what heaven is with him. For there is no right answer for his question; just faith, hope and a whole lot of unknown trust.

   Even though, in the back of my head, I was thinking to myself,....."Oh, Dear Lord, I hope this is not heaven, but just a test!!", and not that this world does not have beauty within it. I'm only truly hoping for the first time, "That the grass is greener on the other side".

Dana Hunt-Me

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Don't Drink and Mow!!!

    This is what happens when you had a few beers and go fire-up the ol' riding lawn mower? Oh Crap,................ Whoops!?!?

Dana Hunt-Me

Thursday, October 4, 2012

I'll Take A Bottle of That!!

  My nine-year-old son gets so excited to go check the mail at the mailbox (I mean "Old School Mailbox"), to see if anything has arrived for him. He writes letters to his friends and family, and loves to drop his letters in the slot of the mailbox for the mailman to pick-up. It makes me so proud to see him do so. "Signed, Sealed (Stamped) and Delivered."

  He still believes in Santa Clause, The Tooth Fairy and The Easter Bunny, and I wish I could bottle his innocence up forever. I so hope it transfers that long to my other three sons (PLEASE!!!).


  Where has all the innocence gone?

  He came home the other night with his homework (He's in the 3rd grade might I add) and one of the last questions he had to do was write a funny "E-MAIL" to a friend about the story he had read. I thought, WHAT IN THE WORLD, what has happened? Can't children just be children? Why is everything so fast and furious(why, Why and Why?)? I barely let him get on the computer for heaven sakes and I want to keep it that way as long as a can, but he knows how to use a computer better than I do (Huh!). I just learned how to download pictures from a camera to the computer (Which I'm sure some people probably wish I hadn't.......).

  Why do all these children have to have all these gadgets and gizmo's, isn't it only hurting them to some extent? I understand that this is the world it is becoming or already is, but still.....,is it going GREEN or something deeper than that? When you have children in texting competitions, isn't there something not quite right with that? Note: My spelling check is questioning the word TEXTING???

  My grandparents raised four girls, had their own animals that provided and fed them and they lived off their land, which was not big. Could you imagine giving a live chicken to an eighteen-year-old now, and saying, here you go make dinner or here's a cow milk it!! How fast time has changed. I suppose that is life now, but can't we slow down just a bit.

  And, yes, I have a facebook page and, yes, I BLOG, but I have always loved to write, I love drawing, painting and anything to do with art, I love photography (Again,"Old School Style"), I love nature, gardening, cooking, camping (Again, "Old School Style", TENT IT!!), fishing, hiking and heck I love playing in the dirt!! But, I look at some of the facebook pages of our young people..... and who in the heck has over 2000+ "friends" (NO ONE!)?

  I guess it is what it is and I can not changed it. I can only write how I feel and I will only learn as my children grow (which scares me for that and them), but, I'll take a bottle of that innocence to go, please!

Dana Hunt-Me

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Best Thing A Parent Could Ever Hear.

  It was early one morning and my husband and I were in the kitchen helping our son, Christian (who is nine), study and finish up his homework.

  Christian sat at the kitchen table doing his work, while asking lots of questions about things other than what he was working on, as he always does (He has quite a busy brain.....and that is a very good thing).

  One of the questions was about going to college and what it would be like; and if he would have to get up early to go to his classes. We told him perhaps sometimes you may have classes that are early. He then asked, "Well, how will I get there?". We replied that he would be able to walk to most of his classes (us,think dorm room???). He sat there for a moment to take our answer in. Then he said, "That would mean I would not live with you guys!".

  He then said, " No, that will not do, I would miss you all to much, I want to stay here with you, I will stay close and drive!".

  What an awesome person he is and what an awesome thing to hear from our son. xoxo

  Dana Hunt-Me

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Hole.

  We were doing our yard work with our children running around the yard. Lucas, my I DO NOT want to listen son, sat in time-out in the yard. He had found an ant hill and sat quite in time-out (Rare), playing way with the ants. After time-out, he got up and played with our other children. About 20 minutes had past and he remembered the ants. So he looked very hard to find the ants, he said, "Mom, where is my "ANT" hole, oh, there it is."

Dana Hunt-Me

Friday, September 28, 2012

Stepping Forward.

  Please to not feel sorrow for me, for I am on the right path. I am not a victim, but just a person, with life lessons learned. I have made my mistakes, and I will, and am stepping forward to them. Standing tall.

  "The Third Letter of John": "John"

5:13- "I have so much to tell you, but I do not want to do it with pen and ink."

5:14- "I hope to see you soon, and then we will talk personally."

5:15- "Peace be with you. All your friends send greetings. Greet all our friends personally."

  I will hold on to my family and friends very close among all others.

 Let no "person" take us under.

Dana Hunt-Me

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Brain on Four Kids.

  So there I was in the laundry room with my head in the kitty litter box "happily" scooping away.

  My 4-year-old yelled through the door, "Mom, can I have a drink", I replied, "You will have to wait, I am scooping titty litter", I quickly currected myself, "I mean kitty litter".

  Oh geez!!!

Dana Hunt-Me

Monday, September 24, 2012

April Fools

  It was April 1, 2006 and I was running late for a very important date, my wedding. There I sat at the beauty salon and time ticked-tocked away. My nerves were a mess and got messier every moment that went by; because we were running behind. Even some of my bridesmaids and my mom were also getting antsy. It was as if we had no where to be to the people at the beauty salon.

  I believe it was about three o'clock when we left the salon and my wedding was to start at four o'clock. So we all jumped into our vehicles and sped off, with about a 20 minute drive ahead of us and still had to get dressed.
  We made it half-way to our destination with me being the lead driver. I was cutting down back country roads and we all had the pedal to the metal. I had looked up in my rear view mirror and there I saw BLUE and RED lights behind me (Really, of all days). So there I sat with a veil on my head, pulled-over on the side of the road. As my bridesmaids sped by honking their horns and cheering me on. 

  The Sheriff's Deputy sat in her car from quite sometime. So I finally stuck my head out the window and pointed to my veil. She got out of her cruiser laughing. She of course said as they all do, "Do know how fast you were going?" "Fast", I said, and "I'm late to my own wedding". She smiled and said, "Well, if you do not slow it down you won't make it there." I replied, "If I do not get there, I'll still be toast, because I'm marrying a Sheriff"s Deputy. She laughed again and said, "Well, you all just be careful and keep it under 100 mph." and that went for my bridesmaids that were pulled-over in front waiting on me. I also invited The Sheriff's Deputy to my reception after her shift.

  So we finally made to the hotel, and you never saw bridesmaids put a wedding dress on someone so fast. Into the limo we all piled in and off to the church we went. The groomsmen had to put, Jeff, in a back room because he was beside himself, since we were so late. With a flask of Wild Turkey, might I add ( I could have used a shot myself or 10).

  Needless to say, we made it to the altar and how beautiful the wedding was and the reception was absolutely amazing and so fun. Jeff and I still talk about it, as do others, and we would love to do it all over again. And, being pull-over made a great conversational piece throughout the night.


Dana Hunt- Me




Friday, September 21, 2012

I've Just Been Probed.

   It was 2003, and I had to drive my mom to her doctors appointment, with my infant son. To the Gastroenterologist of all places to have a routine colonoscopy.

  We arrived, signed in and waited to be called, they finally announced her name. The nurse walked us down a very long hallway and place us into a recovery room.

  They prepped my mom for the exam, I would also like to add, she requested not to be put asleep, so there was not as much prepping needed. The nurse and doctor were quite surprised, she had to sign a consent, since she requested this. If it had been me, I would rather have my butt knocked out, no pun intended.

  Her turn came around and they rolled her "behind" off. There I sat with my infant son in total boredom. The nurse had left the door open so I could see the people coming and going. I could hear all kinds of groaning and moaning in the recovery rooms of the patients whom just had their exam.

  As I sat there watching wheelchair after wheelchair of the patients who were just released from their recovery rooms. They were so dazed, confused and looked very violated. A look of, what just happened "back there" was expressed in their faces.

  As I said, this hallway was very long and I began to think to myself, as many do in total boredom. You know when you go to amusement parks, how they take a picture of you on some of the rides. Perhaps, they should do this here. Give the patent a balloon-on-a-stick in one hand, a lollipop (one of the big swirly rounded ones) in the other hand and a sign that reads; I've Just Been Probed. Give them a good ol' push down the hallway and click a picture.

  They could offer one free picture at check-out, and, of course, enlargements and additional copy's would be an extra fee, and framing and matting also are available (takes 2-3 weeks to arrive). NOTE TO PATIENTS: This is not covered by any insurances. 

  How wonderful to share this with your friends, family and loved ones. This would also make a great gift for Christmas and/or any special occasions. Magnets, coffee mugs and T-shirts, available at your request (shipping fees apply). The gift that keeps on giving.

  I discussed my thoughts with my mom after her exam, and she laughed her "ASS" off.


  I can't wait for my probe!!

  Dana Hunt-Me


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Hemingway Cats"

 Have you ever heard of polydactyl cats, or also called, Hemingway's cats. These are cats that have extra toes.

  We recently just adopted one from our local animal shelter (A.S.W.), I found her to be so interesting and unique. We named her, Hemi, after Hemingway and his cats. She has 26 toes, 7 on both of her front paws and 6 on both of her back paws.

  She is so sweet and loving, she is also in love with my oldest son, Christian. Hemi, follows him around the house and has picked out her place on his bed.

  I am still so amazed that we received her from an animal shelter (A.W.S) and not a seller. Always think about adopting before buying from a seller. There are so many awesome animals at our local animal shelters that would love to be your friend and you'd be saving their lives.

                                  (Her head is still attached) 

Please seek out your local A.W.S., link is to my local Human Society in Jefferson Co., West Virginia. (A NO KILL SHELTER)

Just a little about these cats:
"A polydactyl cat is a cat with a congenital physical anomaly called polydactyly (or polydactylism, also known as hyperdactyly), a type of cat body type genetic mutation that causes the cat to be born with more than the usual number of toes on one or more of its paws. Cats with this genetically inherited trait are most commonly found along the East Coast of North America (in the United States and Canada) and in South West England and Wales.
Nicknames for polydactyl cats include "conch cats", "boxing cats", "mitten cats", "mitten-foot cats", "snowshoe cats", "thumb cats", "six-fingered cats", "Cardi-cats", and "Hemingway cats".." Two specific breeds recognized by some but not all cat fancier clubs are the American Polydactyl and Maine Coon Polydactyl, and named regional populations include the Boston thumb cat, Cardi-cat, Ithacat, and Vermont snowshoe cat."


Monday, September 17, 2012

Mr. Hoover, Is Not The One To Thank!!!

   So today on my Facebook page," What's on your mind",  I wrote; I so love the fact, that my Three Amigos (Logan, Lucas and Abram) love to vacuum. No screaming heard and I love the white noise......... Pure Joy!!!

  This morning I vacuuming the downstairs and when I finished, my boys took turns vacuuming, and like I said, I have no problems listening to the noise of a vacuum.

  So the boys enjoyed themselves for quite some time, while at the same time helping me out, a total plus in my book.

  Lunch time rolled around and we went upstairs to eat. After they finished lunch, they went right back downstairs and revved up the ol' vacuum once again.

  I was finishing up cleaning the kitchen and headed back downstairs. As I came down the stairs I heard a lot of giggling and laughing. There stood, Logan, with the vacuum hose stuck to you know where (clothing still on, thank God).

  First of all, I did not know if I should be mad or pee myself in laughter. It was one of those times as a parent, I just had to step around the corner and gather myself.

  So I discuss with him that this is and was not appropriate, and that he could really, really hurt himself. Okay, Mom, he said.

  So this sparked a curiousity in me. I thought to myself...hummm, I would bet my life on it, that a man created the first vacuum. And, lo and behold, Mr. Herbert Cecil Booth, did.  I so knew it!!


"British inventor Herbert Cecil Booth (1871-1955) is credited with inventing the first vacuum cleaner, which he demonstrated to a royal audience at Buckingham Palace in 1901."Read more: