Friday, September 28, 2012

Stepping Forward.

  Please to not feel sorrow for me, for I am on the right path. I am not a victim, but just a person, with life lessons learned. I have made my mistakes, and I will, and am stepping forward to them. Standing tall.

  "The Third Letter of John": "John"

5:13- "I have so much to tell you, but I do not want to do it with pen and ink."

5:14- "I hope to see you soon, and then we will talk personally."

5:15- "Peace be with you. All your friends send greetings. Greet all our friends personally."

  I will hold on to my family and friends very close among all others.

 Let no "person" take us under.

Dana Hunt-Me

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Brain on Four Kids.

  So there I was in the laundry room with my head in the kitty litter box "happily" scooping away.

  My 4-year-old yelled through the door, "Mom, can I have a drink", I replied, "You will have to wait, I am scooping titty litter", I quickly currected myself, "I mean kitty litter".

  Oh geez!!!

Dana Hunt-Me

Monday, September 24, 2012

April Fools

  It was April 1, 2006 and I was running late for a very important date, my wedding. There I sat at the beauty salon and time ticked-tocked away. My nerves were a mess and got messier every moment that went by; because we were running behind. Even some of my bridesmaids and my mom were also getting antsy. It was as if we had no where to be to the people at the beauty salon.

  I believe it was about three o'clock when we left the salon and my wedding was to start at four o'clock. So we all jumped into our vehicles and sped off, with about a 20 minute drive ahead of us and still had to get dressed.
  We made it half-way to our destination with me being the lead driver. I was cutting down back country roads and we all had the pedal to the metal. I had looked up in my rear view mirror and there I saw BLUE and RED lights behind me (Really, of all days). So there I sat with a veil on my head, pulled-over on the side of the road. As my bridesmaids sped by honking their horns and cheering me on. 

  The Sheriff's Deputy sat in her car from quite sometime. So I finally stuck my head out the window and pointed to my veil. She got out of her cruiser laughing. She of course said as they all do, "Do know how fast you were going?" "Fast", I said, and "I'm late to my own wedding". She smiled and said, "Well, if you do not slow it down you won't make it there." I replied, "If I do not get there, I'll still be toast, because I'm marrying a Sheriff"s Deputy. She laughed again and said, "Well, you all just be careful and keep it under 100 mph." and that went for my bridesmaids that were pulled-over in front waiting on me. I also invited The Sheriff's Deputy to my reception after her shift.

  So we finally made to the hotel, and you never saw bridesmaids put a wedding dress on someone so fast. Into the limo we all piled in and off to the church we went. The groomsmen had to put, Jeff, in a back room because he was beside himself, since we were so late. With a flask of Wild Turkey, might I add ( I could have used a shot myself or 10).

  Needless to say, we made it to the altar and how beautiful the wedding was and the reception was absolutely amazing and so fun. Jeff and I still talk about it, as do others, and we would love to do it all over again. And, being pull-over made a great conversational piece throughout the night.


Dana Hunt- Me




Friday, September 21, 2012

I've Just Been Probed.

   It was 2003, and I had to drive my mom to her doctors appointment, with my infant son. To the Gastroenterologist of all places to have a routine colonoscopy.

  We arrived, signed in and waited to be called, they finally announced her name. The nurse walked us down a very long hallway and place us into a recovery room.

  They prepped my mom for the exam, I would also like to add, she requested not to be put asleep, so there was not as much prepping needed. The nurse and doctor were quite surprised, she had to sign a consent, since she requested this. If it had been me, I would rather have my butt knocked out, no pun intended.

  Her turn came around and they rolled her "behind" off. There I sat with my infant son in total boredom. The nurse had left the door open so I could see the people coming and going. I could hear all kinds of groaning and moaning in the recovery rooms of the patients whom just had their exam.

  As I sat there watching wheelchair after wheelchair of the patients who were just released from their recovery rooms. They were so dazed, confused and looked very violated. A look of, what just happened "back there" was expressed in their faces.

  As I said, this hallway was very long and I began to think to myself, as many do in total boredom. You know when you go to amusement parks, how they take a picture of you on some of the rides. Perhaps, they should do this here. Give the patent a balloon-on-a-stick in one hand, a lollipop (one of the big swirly rounded ones) in the other hand and a sign that reads; I've Just Been Probed. Give them a good ol' push down the hallway and click a picture.

  They could offer one free picture at check-out, and, of course, enlargements and additional copy's would be an extra fee, and framing and matting also are available (takes 2-3 weeks to arrive). NOTE TO PATIENTS: This is not covered by any insurances. 

  How wonderful to share this with your friends, family and loved ones. This would also make a great gift for Christmas and/or any special occasions. Magnets, coffee mugs and T-shirts, available at your request (shipping fees apply). The gift that keeps on giving.

  I discussed my thoughts with my mom after her exam, and she laughed her "ASS" off.


  I can't wait for my probe!!

  Dana Hunt-Me


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Hemingway Cats"

 Have you ever heard of polydactyl cats, or also called, Hemingway's cats. These are cats that have extra toes.

  We recently just adopted one from our local animal shelter (A.S.W.), I found her to be so interesting and unique. We named her, Hemi, after Hemingway and his cats. She has 26 toes, 7 on both of her front paws and 6 on both of her back paws.

  She is so sweet and loving, she is also in love with my oldest son, Christian. Hemi, follows him around the house and has picked out her place on his bed.

  I am still so amazed that we received her from an animal shelter (A.W.S) and not a seller. Always think about adopting before buying from a seller. There are so many awesome animals at our local animal shelters that would love to be your friend and you'd be saving their lives.

                                  (Her head is still attached) 

Please seek out your local A.W.S., link is to my local Human Society in Jefferson Co., West Virginia. (A NO KILL SHELTER)

Just a little about these cats:
"A polydactyl cat is a cat with a congenital physical anomaly called polydactyly (or polydactylism, also known as hyperdactyly), a type of cat body type genetic mutation that causes the cat to be born with more than the usual number of toes on one or more of its paws. Cats with this genetically inherited trait are most commonly found along the East Coast of North America (in the United States and Canada) and in South West England and Wales.
Nicknames for polydactyl cats include "conch cats", "boxing cats", "mitten cats", "mitten-foot cats", "snowshoe cats", "thumb cats", "six-fingered cats", "Cardi-cats", and "Hemingway cats".." Two specific breeds recognized by some but not all cat fancier clubs are the American Polydactyl and Maine Coon Polydactyl, and named regional populations include the Boston thumb cat, Cardi-cat, Ithacat, and Vermont snowshoe cat."


Monday, September 17, 2012

Mr. Hoover, Is Not The One To Thank!!!

   So today on my Facebook page," What's on your mind",  I wrote; I so love the fact, that my Three Amigos (Logan, Lucas and Abram) love to vacuum. No screaming heard and I love the white noise......... Pure Joy!!!

  This morning I vacuuming the downstairs and when I finished, my boys took turns vacuuming, and like I said, I have no problems listening to the noise of a vacuum.

  So the boys enjoyed themselves for quite some time, while at the same time helping me out, a total plus in my book.

  Lunch time rolled around and we went upstairs to eat. After they finished lunch, they went right back downstairs and revved up the ol' vacuum once again.

  I was finishing up cleaning the kitchen and headed back downstairs. As I came down the stairs I heard a lot of giggling and laughing. There stood, Logan, with the vacuum hose stuck to you know where (clothing still on, thank God).

  First of all, I did not know if I should be mad or pee myself in laughter. It was one of those times as a parent, I just had to step around the corner and gather myself.

  So I discuss with him that this is and was not appropriate, and that he could really, really hurt himself. Okay, Mom, he said.

  So this sparked a curiousity in me. I thought to myself...hummm, I would bet my life on it, that a man created the first vacuum. And, lo and behold, Mr. Herbert Cecil Booth, did.  I so knew it!!


"British inventor Herbert Cecil Booth (1871-1955) is credited with inventing the first vacuum cleaner, which he demonstrated to a royal audience at Buckingham Palace in 1901."Read more:

Monday, September 10, 2012

Marched in Like A Lamb

 Marched in Like A Lamb and Out Like A Hero

 It was 2011, almost Autumn time and a beautiful day outside. I was in the kitchen, I'm sure doing my "Mrs. Betty Crocker" thing or playing the role of "Mr. Clean". Then,I heard my dog, Sammie, barking, barking and barking, she rarely does this unless someone is walking by or is in our yard. I looked out the window many times and could not see anything. So I decided to let her inside, about an hour had passed and I let her back out and once again she began to bark at the very same location.  This sparked my curiosity, so I walked down the deck stairs and there in a grassy bush, lay a very small and wounded lamb.


  First of all, I was in total surprise and shock, then, the wheels in my head started turning. What the heck am I going do with this lamb? A lamb of all things. I went to the front and scooped him up and placed him on our deck. He had no marking of any type, as most farmers will tag their livestock. He had several puncture wounds around his neck which looked not so good, probably from a large dog.


  So I got on the phone and called my dad for help (SOSand for advise. I ran down and put a large dog crate that we had together so I would have a place for him. I treated to wounds the best I could and my dad went to get hay, bottles, special ointment and powdered milk. We fed him and nurtured him the best we could.  We never had a lamb before; I suppose there is a first for everything.


  We decided to name him, Wesley, after a church. A few weeks had gone by and, Wesley was feeling better.  I shaved all of his wool off because it was so matted with many burrs and dried blood (a very tedious task). He was so beautiful after his shave and bath. Even more beautiful when he enjoyed eating my trees and shrubs.


  Our dog, Sammie, also nurtured Wesley, and mothered him, hardly leaving his side. Now that Wesley was on the mend, we were in search of the owner or the best home for him. My husband had a friend who reached out to us about Wesley. Her son was in 4-H and helped children with 4-H and their projects. They owned a small farm and had many different animals and were interested in taking on Wesley as their own.


  I will have to say, I was so excited to hear about their intentions with him and for him. I was so scared he might end up on a dinner table! So we made arrangements to meet and they took Wesley with them.  It was very bittersweet for  me, but there was no way we could keep him.


  Wesley, who's name is Junior now, is a very happy and a "well rounded" (loves to eat) sheep. He even sleeps in their home sometimes and waits for his owner to arrive home everyday to greet him. Junior is truly loved and well cared for and I could have never dreamed for anything better from him.


  This lamb marched right into our hands when he was weak and needed strength.  Now, he is giving strength to others; he is "Paying it forward", a true hero.


 If you have children, please check out 4-H. There are so many different 4-H groups that cater to activities your children would be, or are interested in.

 "The wolf will live with the lamb".  Isaiah 11:6

"Meaning of Lamb":
a: a young sheep; especially: one that is less than one year old or without permanent teeth b: the young of various animals (as the smaller antelopes) other than sheep
a: a gentle or weak person b: dear, pet c: a person easily cheated or deceived especially in trading securities
a: the flesh of a lamb used as food b: lambskin "

Dana Hunt-Me

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rain Drops on the Window.

                                                                                 "All Rights Reserved"
  I would like to take the time to share with you a poem I wrote to my son, Christian, on his First Birthday.

Dear Christian,

                  Rain Drops on the Window

  As children we see things in a different aspect than we do as adults.

  Yesterday, I was driving down the road and looked over my shoulder at my son as he stared out the window. It began to rain and drops of rain began to fall onto the window, and he watched in amazement.

  I began to think to myself about the drops on the window and as a child, how amazed I was with the rain drops on the window. How I use to play games with the rain drops as they crawled across the window, it was a race, which rain drop would make it across the window first.

  As children it was the simple things that intrigued us. I look once again at my son and wondered, what he thought, what he imagined, what he dreamed, what he saw in the rain drops on the window; and he reminded me of the simple gifts in life.

  As adults, how soon we forget about the simple treasures in life, like rain drops on the window. But as adults, we are much like rain drops on the window. The faster we go, the faster the rain drops crawl till they disappear.

  In a child's eyes they never disappear, there is no end to what they can dream, what they can imagine, what they believe and what they can be.

  I believe that as adults, we need to stop and think, put ourselves back in the shoes of children, if just for a moment and remember. We can learn so much from children. And if we just slowed down, we just might see Rain Drops on the Window.

                    Written by: Dana L. Carter        July 8,2004

  To my beautiful son on his first birthday.

  The world is yours to dream..............
                                                                        I Love You - MOM

Dana Hunt-Me                                  "All Rights Reserved"

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lay Me Down.

To Whom It May Concern:

  I wanted to let you know that this is my outlet. If by chance you find it "Negative", or is just not that bowl of cherries you were looking for, then DO NOT read it.

  I do write with my heart and it is an amazing stress reliever for me. My life has not been a cakewalk, a bowl of sugar or a room full of dancing unicorns; and many others out there are in the same boat as well. I am not trying to cut myself short, because everything that has ever happened to me has molded me and made me who I am. I am happy with my life, my family and my friends; perhaps, not where I stand now, but I do know that will change some day.

I so believe,"What does not kill you, will make you stronger".

  If anyone who knew me in Middle School or Junior High (that's what they called it back in my day). Lets just chip the ice a bit, I will share a few of my experiences with you. I was horribly bullied, called names in middle school like, fat and ugly just to name a few (Fatty, Fatty 2X4, you can't make it through the bathroom door). In Junior High, I was not quite so fat and ugly. One day, I rode the bus home after school and was held down against my will in the back of a bus, while 7 boys took over my body (we will leave it at that). My parents and I went to the school board, because the principal of the school was too afraid to get involved. NEVER did anyone do anything about it.  They just looked the other way. And, that is just a chip of a very small piece. And yes, those are all things that are negative, and no, you don't want to hear that kind of stuff. But it does happen and it happens all the time. It has made me stronger and has made me fight harder.

  I remember, it was just after my High School Graduation, there was knock at the door. There stood a girl that bullied me in middle school. She kindly asked if she may come in, and if she could talk to me. We talked for quite awhile and she apologized, we both cried. That was one of the most courageous things I had seen someone do, it will never be forgotten and it took lots of guts. And by chance, you read this and you know who you are, THANK YOU! I will take that to my grave with me.

  If you have read my blog, Marriage Changes You, these six years have also added to my strength. It has taken about all I have in me to keep smiling around here. I try very hard to find the bright side. And, just when I think to myself, I can do this, something else arises (which would go with an other blog I wrote, you'll figure it out).

  I do not support bulling or plain ignorance; I do however, believe we should do the "right" thing and try to be kind.  You have to respect yourself, before you can respect others, also, try to follow the rules even if we do not like them. For example, something just as simple as stopping for a stop sign. We might not like it. But, remember, our children learn from us, watch us and we choose to make that example for them. It just might save their life one day or someone elses. That might sound a bit corny, but, oh well, I love my kids to the moon and back, and besides, I have four back seat drivers, and, I can only imagine what they would say to me if I did not STOP (THINK ABOUT IT)!?!?

  Being here is, and has been, a very hard thing to do by trying to stay on a positive note. I once had a friend, that would call me crying many times about the same way I felt.  I totally supported her 110% and understood her. I would also call her crying and in need of help and support as well.  I thought I had her shoulder. I really overlooked a lot and that was my fault, I was looking the wrong way, when I should have been looking the other way. I can truly say, I apologize, that was my mistake and sometimes that has to happen to open up my eyes.

  I am also so proud of my husband, he is an extremely hard worker and goes beyond the extra mile. He has a very hard job; I to have stood in his shoes to some degree, working for Child Protective Services. There is no glamour in it, and it does, and will rip you down quickly. I know this is not a pleasant thing to ask, but, if you could imagine something very, very bad happening to a child and then multiply it many, many times! You could not even remotely begin to dream how bad, horrible and sick some of the acts of child abuse are, unless you have been there yourself. Many of the people whom work in these jobs have and want to make a difference.
 We also had a Foster Daughter for a while, and I know she thought we were hard on her and we were, I think it was a reality check for all of us. Now I know how it feels to have a teenage girl in a house, Oh My! But, even though we had our battles, I still loved her and wanted to protect her, still do!!

  We are no longer Foster Parents, for many reasons we have run out of space in our home and we would have had to upgrade to a bus (but those are not allowed in our neighborhood). I would also like to add, I always worked with Foster Parents and I was not one myself when I had my job working with foster children. Now that I (we) have had a taste of being one; I applaud every single Foster Parent in this world (at least the ones who do it for the right reasons). It is a very noble thing to do, but on the other hand, it is a very, very difficult task and takes much patience. I would never steer anyone away from being a Foster Parent. It is rewarding for you and the child's hearts and souls, and if you have the space, are interested in that and have the time it is worth a try.

  So we now are foster parents of animals from our local Human Society (Animal Welfare Society), and I love it! You could also do this too, if you have the room and  are willing to donate your time. Just contact your local A.W.S for more information.

  And again, I write from my heart and how I feel. So no need to read it if you do not want too!  It's your choice and we all have one.

Dana Hunt-Me

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Fall

   Have you ever stood back and took an eye-opening look at something? Perhaps, something as simple as a tree,or as some would say, "The Standing People".

   Could you imagine how many stories they could tell us if they could talk. Some of the oldest trees are estimated to be 80,000 years old. Now, that is history with many roots, that run extremely deep.


  Trees come in so many shapes, sizes, types and colors.

   Just as we are, but we are not the trees; we are the leaves on the trees. We start as something so small, we grow, we hang-in there, we blow in the wind, we feel the sun and taste the rain.


   Then, when the time is just right, the leaf makes its remarkable fall. A total free fall of grace, swirling and swaying its way to the ground.


   So the next time you see a leaf fall, just think, it is its moment, its time, and it is letting go of everything it once knew without any fear.

Dana Hunt-Me