Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lay Me Down.

To Whom It May Concern:

  I wanted to let you know that this is my outlet. If by chance you find it "Negative", or is just not that bowl of cherries you were looking for, then DO NOT read it.

  I do write with my heart and it is an amazing stress reliever for me. My life has not been a cakewalk, a bowl of sugar or a room full of dancing unicorns; and many others out there are in the same boat as well. I am not trying to cut myself short, because everything that has ever happened to me has molded me and made me who I am. I am happy with my life, my family and my friends; perhaps, not where I stand now, but I do know that will change some day.

I so believe,"What does not kill you, will make you stronger".

  If anyone who knew me in Middle School or Junior High (that's what they called it back in my day). Lets just chip the ice a bit, I will share a few of my experiences with you. I was horribly bullied, called names in middle school like, fat and ugly just to name a few (Fatty, Fatty 2X4, you can't make it through the bathroom door). In Junior High, I was not quite so fat and ugly. One day, I rode the bus home after school and was held down against my will in the back of a bus, while 7 boys took over my body (we will leave it at that). My parents and I went to the school board, because the principal of the school was too afraid to get involved. NEVER did anyone do anything about it.  They just looked the other way. And, that is just a chip of a very small piece. And yes, those are all things that are negative, and no, you don't want to hear that kind of stuff. But it does happen and it happens all the time. It has made me stronger and has made me fight harder.

  I remember, it was just after my High School Graduation, there was knock at the door. There stood a girl that bullied me in middle school. She kindly asked if she may come in, and if she could talk to me. We talked for quite awhile and she apologized, we both cried. That was one of the most courageous things I had seen someone do, it will never be forgotten and it took lots of guts. And by chance, you read this and you know who you are, THANK YOU! I will take that to my grave with me.

  If you have read my blog, Marriage Changes You, these six years have also added to my strength. It has taken about all I have in me to keep smiling around here. I try very hard to find the bright side. And, just when I think to myself, I can do this, something else arises (which would go with an other blog I wrote, you'll figure it out).

  I do not support bulling or plain ignorance; I do however, believe we should do the "right" thing and try to be kind.  You have to respect yourself, before you can respect others, also, try to follow the rules even if we do not like them. For example, something just as simple as stopping for a stop sign. We might not like it. But, remember, our children learn from us, watch us and we choose to make that example for them. It just might save their life one day or someone elses. That might sound a bit corny, but, oh well, I love my kids to the moon and back, and besides, I have four back seat drivers, and, I can only imagine what they would say to me if I did not STOP (THINK ABOUT IT)!?!?

  Being here is, and has been, a very hard thing to do by trying to stay on a positive note. I once had a friend, that would call me crying many times about the same way I felt.  I totally supported her 110% and understood her. I would also call her crying and in need of help and support as well.  I thought I had her shoulder. I really overlooked a lot and that was my fault, I was looking the wrong way, when I should have been looking the other way. I can truly say, I apologize, that was my mistake and sometimes that has to happen to open up my eyes.

  I am also so proud of my husband, he is an extremely hard worker and goes beyond the extra mile. He has a very hard job; I to have stood in his shoes to some degree, working for Child Protective Services. There is no glamour in it, and it does, and will rip you down quickly. I know this is not a pleasant thing to ask, but, if you could imagine something very, very bad happening to a child and then multiply it many, many times! You could not even remotely begin to dream how bad, horrible and sick some of the acts of child abuse are, unless you have been there yourself. Many of the people whom work in these jobs have and want to make a difference.
 We also had a Foster Daughter for a while, and I know she thought we were hard on her and we were, I think it was a reality check for all of us. Now I know how it feels to have a teenage girl in a house, Oh My! But, even though we had our battles, I still loved her and wanted to protect her, still do!!

  We are no longer Foster Parents, for many reasons we have run out of space in our home and we would have had to upgrade to a bus (but those are not allowed in our neighborhood). I would also like to add, I always worked with Foster Parents and I was not one myself when I had my job working with foster children. Now that I (we) have had a taste of being one; I applaud every single Foster Parent in this world (at least the ones who do it for the right reasons). It is a very noble thing to do, but on the other hand, it is a very, very difficult task and takes much patience. I would never steer anyone away from being a Foster Parent. It is rewarding for you and the child's hearts and souls, and if you have the space, are interested in that and have the time it is worth a try.

  So we now are foster parents of animals from our local Human Society (Animal Welfare Society), and I love it! You could also do this too, if you have the room and  are willing to donate your time. Just contact your local A.W.S for more information.

  And again, I write from my heart and how I feel. So no need to read it if you do not want too!  It's your choice and we all have one.

Dana Hunt-Me


  1. How do you think the ogre feels about the way you blogged about him? Sounds like a bully to me!

    1. How would that be a bully? If he can dish it out at our own fence, screaming at our dogs (one dog that is brand new). And, my children are asking me, Mommy, why is that man doing that? And , he can give it out but can not take it back. And, not once but twice, this person said he was in the wrong, and was going to apologize. This is not the first time this person has done this to "others" in the neighborhood. I'm just the first to show his hippocracy. "Two wrongs do not make a right" but when you start it with yelling over a fence line, what do you expect? With my own kids watching him?

  2. Cyberbullying: is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people, in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner

    Slander: a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report

    psy·cho·path:a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.


    I hope this opens your eyes and you get the help you need. Do it for the boys <3

    1. My eyes are wide open and I'm doing it for my boys. I want them to know they can stand up for themselves (only when needed) when someone walks on them. I have told them that they DO NOT have to sit back and just take it. <3 STAND TALL MY SONS!! And be wise!!


  3. So what do you call bullying face to face, I guess I should have bit back in the moment of bullying (I was just trying to respect the "Family-In-Law/friends"). If someone bullys you and you stand up for yourself what is that? BULLBACK? And PSYCHOPATH sounds just about right for you! ;)
