I picked up my oldest son from school (earlier than expected), due to a tummy ache. (**Note:.... With my three-year-old sidekick at toe.)
We make our departure and (ONCE AGAIN, (I ) and we) arrival, to the parking lot of Wal-Mart, for a five minute (more like ten, fifteen or twenty minutes:**REMINDER, I am at Wal-Mart, but can't a gal DREAM) medicine spree (EXCITING AND HAIR RAISING!).
Once inside, I managed to bypass the lovely arcade (placed nicely in plain sight, after you crest through the automatic doors), without it eating one of the kids. Lucky..., Oh... lucky me, I only had 2 out of 4 of my sons with me.
I then began to spree and wander (that is what I do these days) through the aisles, in search of TUMS, Pepto and Tylenol (the three essential things I need to have on hand these days, apparently), or A.K.A; TPT. Crap..., I forgot the TP.
After mumbling under my breath a ton of times, "WHY, WHy, Why, why, can't they just put everything where it should go? " I hit the seventh aisle later, and felt I should yell BINGO (I found one)!!!!! Yet, they CAN strategically place the ARCADE in the right place!?!?
Finally...., after weaving our way around mazes of little boxes and gazing at rows of pills, there I stand, holding a drug store in my hands. I look at the pharmacy line, L-O-N-G; so I peek around the Alps of medicine, and in much hope that one of "the regular" check-out lines are open. Hope... is not on my side, HOPE, is a mile away and it too, also has a L-O-N-G line.
"Well, Ookie Dookie, kiddos!!! We are going to camp-out in the pharmacy line...YAH!!"
With my fist full of drugs, I stood (note the word - I), while my three-year-old, rearranged prices, the boxes on the self, licked the Dr. Scholls pole.... (YUCK and... OMG....STOP!) and mopped the floor with his body. Not to mention, my oldest son, at his side, wrangling him like a Wild Bronco or a WWE match!!
As Mom, I redirected them and refereed every 2.5 seconds, as quiet as I possibly can; it was just one of those days! I clinched my TPT harder and harder, thinking to myself, I might need something off one of these surrounding selves for me!!
An older, "more mature", lady was waiting in front of me, she smiled at me and said I've been there. She then looked down at my three-year-old son, and looked at me and said, "Aren't you glad there is not two more of those!!" I was not sure if I should laugh really, really hard, or to cry really, really, really hard. I looked at her and said, " I HAVE SIX-YEAR-OLD TWIN BOYS TOO!!"
Silence never sounded so LOUD!!
That is called LIFE...., EMBRACE IT in its moments and SMILE!! :)
Dana Hunt-Me
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Neil Armstrong
Region Explored: Moon
Dates of exploration: July 16 - 24, 1969
Summary of their objective & accomplishments:
Neil Armstrong's early dream as a child, was to become a pilot. Neil was inspired after his father took him to an air show, he pursued his dream by getting his pilots license at the age of fifteen.
Neil Armstrong, graduated from college earning his degree in aerospace engineering and then earned his masters degree, during college he was called on by the Navy and became a fighter pilot.
Neil Armstrong then became a test pilot, testing over 200 different planes, this was a very dangerous but exciting time for Neil.
Neil Armstrong then moved onto greater heights by applying to NASA to become an astronaut. After many tests and trainings, he passed and became part of the "New Nine" astronauts.
Neil Armstrong's first flight to space was aboard, Gemini 8, where he was the command pilot, and successfully docked two vehicles in space.
After Gemini 8 mission, Neil Armstrong was offered the position of lead commander on Apollo 11, the first manned landing on the moon, he gratefully excepted.
On July 16, 1969, after many months of practicing, Neil Armstrong, along with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, were launched into space aboard Apollo 11.
Neil Armstrong and the other astronauts, encountered some problems on their journey to the moon, one of the problems was: * Neil Armstrong had to manually fly the spacecraft and land it on the moon, this was not planned for, and if landing took longer than expected, the astronauts would not have enough fuel.
On July 21,1969, Neil Armstrong successfully landed on the moons surface, he announced back to NASA, "The eagle has landed.".
Neil Armstrong, was the first astronaut to ever step foot on the moon, he spoke his most famous words on the moon, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.".
On July 24, 1969, Neil Armstrong, along with Aldrin and Collins, returned to Earth, landing in the Pacific Ocean, they were all deemed heroes.
After Neil Armstrong's amazing and successful journey to the moon, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He continued working for NASA and held many other positions, he also was a professor of aerospace engineer at the University of Cincinnati.
Neil Armstrong, passed away from heart complication on August 25, 2012. He will always remain a true hero and inspiration.
By: Christian Hunt Page 2
Dates of exploration: July 16 - 24, 1969
Summary of their objective & accomplishments:
Neil Armstrong's early dream as a child, was to become a pilot. Neil was inspired after his father took him to an air show, he pursued his dream by getting his pilots license at the age of fifteen.
Neil Armstrong, graduated from college earning his degree in aerospace engineering and then earned his masters degree, during college he was called on by the Navy and became a fighter pilot.
Neil Armstrong then became a test pilot, testing over 200 different planes, this was a very dangerous but exciting time for Neil.
Neil Armstrong then moved onto greater heights by applying to NASA to become an astronaut. After many tests and trainings, he passed and became part of the "New Nine" astronauts.
Neil Armstrong's first flight to space was aboard, Gemini 8, where he was the command pilot, and successfully docked two vehicles in space.
After Gemini 8 mission, Neil Armstrong was offered the position of lead commander on Apollo 11, the first manned landing on the moon, he gratefully excepted.
On July 16, 1969, after many months of practicing, Neil Armstrong, along with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, were launched into space aboard Apollo 11.
Neil Armstrong and the other astronauts, encountered some problems on their journey to the moon, one of the problems was: * Neil Armstrong had to manually fly the spacecraft and land it on the moon, this was not planned for, and if landing took longer than expected, the astronauts would not have enough fuel.
On July 21,1969, Neil Armstrong successfully landed on the moons surface, he announced back to NASA, "The eagle has landed.".
Neil Armstrong, was the first astronaut to ever step foot on the moon, he spoke his most famous words on the moon, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.".
On July 24, 1969, Neil Armstrong, along with Aldrin and Collins, returned to Earth, landing in the Pacific Ocean, they were all deemed heroes.
After Neil Armstrong's amazing and successful journey to the moon, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He continued working for NASA and held many other positions, he also was a professor of aerospace engineer at the University of Cincinnati.
Neil Armstrong, passed away from heart complication on August 25, 2012. He will always remain a true hero and inspiration.
By: Christian Hunt Page 2
Monday, October 7, 2013
Taste this...In the Valley
Life is only what you make it..........
Sometimes you have to do things you never thought you would do, and go totally beyond what you thought was so impossible, and completely so incomprehensible.
Losing most everything along the way, they WON...., but wait, NO, YOU DID NOT; we have and are gaining so much MORE.
I am so blessed to be where I, and where we all STAND. It is a place where we all can breathe, where we all are safe. It is a new beginning, without any prejudgmental thoughts of others, making your own opinion, making your own views of life, nothing clouding your way of anything.
It is fresh, it is real, it is a new feeling. Somewhere, where you own your own thoughts, your own being, without others "over looking" or "controlling" you and being accountable for your actions.
To: N.S.E; You so know who you are!!!!! You are so quick to sweep your actions (mistakes) under the rug and shake the dust off, like it does not matter. So many others see straight through you.
It's a place, without "others", hanging over your fence, or driving by to stop..... and watch you mow your own lawn for ten minutes. There is no one standing two-doors-down, in their drive-way eyeing you down with a phone on their chin(s) and a "neighbor" by their side; or better yet, passing by "a place" (that should be "ours") as many times as you can (9/28/13), shaking their head back-and-forth, and laughing and smiling with their daughter next them, thinking you will gain something in the process of doing so.
There is no ending to (you) "it" nor that place. I wish and hope for many there, the very best. I have to say, it may be HELL.
There is no one here, where we are, that is asking for "things", that we can give unselfishly; yet others, still ask for our things, when they have no right to ask; don't you understand, if we wanted you to have it, we would have asked you to please have it, without any price attached and in total free will.
P.S.-, N.S.E.... Walking to your next door neighbors house, is great for your health. Golf Carts Are Not Needed, FORE!!! There is not a golf course in sight.
Taste this...In The Valley...LIFE.
Dana Hunt-Me
Sometimes you have to do things you never thought you would do, and go totally beyond what you thought was so impossible, and completely so incomprehensible.
Losing most everything along the way, they WON...., but wait, NO, YOU DID NOT; we have and are gaining so much MORE.
I am so blessed to be where I, and where we all STAND. It is a place where we all can breathe, where we all are safe. It is a new beginning, without any prejudgmental thoughts of others, making your own opinion, making your own views of life, nothing clouding your way of anything.
It is fresh, it is real, it is a new feeling. Somewhere, where you own your own thoughts, your own being, without others "over looking" or "controlling" you and being accountable for your actions.
To: N.S.E; You so know who you are!!!!! You are so quick to sweep your actions (mistakes) under the rug and shake the dust off, like it does not matter. So many others see straight through you.
It's a place, without "others", hanging over your fence, or driving by to stop..... and watch you mow your own lawn for ten minutes. There is no one standing two-doors-down, in their drive-way eyeing you down with a phone on their chin(s) and a "neighbor" by their side; or better yet, passing by "a place" (that should be "ours") as many times as you can (9/28/13), shaking their head back-and-forth, and laughing and smiling with their daughter next them, thinking you will gain something in the process of doing so.
There is no ending to (you) "it" nor that place. I wish and hope for many there, the very best. I have to say, it may be HELL.
There is no one here, where we are, that is asking for "things", that we can give unselfishly; yet others, still ask for our things, when they have no right to ask; don't you understand, if we wanted you to have it, we would have asked you to please have it, without any price attached and in total free will.
P.S.-, N.S.E.... Walking to your next door neighbors house, is great for your health. Golf Carts Are Not Needed, FORE!!! There is not a golf course in sight.
Taste this...In The Valley...LIFE.
Dana Hunt-Me
Friday, September 27, 2013
Dana's Rock'in Coconut Curry Chicken.
Dana's Rock'in Coconut Curry Chicken
Served Over Brown Rice
* 3 Boneless chicken breast cut into 1 in. chunks or strips
* 4 cups of brown rice cooked, prepared as directed
* 1 (4oz.) Container of Yoplait Greek coconut yogurt
* 1 1/2 - 2 tsp. curry powder
* 1 tsp. turmeric
* 1 tsp. garlic powder
* 1/2 tsp. white ground pepper
* 1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper
* 1 Large green pepper, cut into long strips
* 1 Medium sweet onion, cut into strips
* 1 (8oz.) can of diced water chestnuts
* 1/4 cup of shredded coconut
* 1/4 - 1/3 cup of fat-free half & half
* 1/4 - 1/3 cup of reduced sodium chicken stock
* 1 bunch scallions, thinly sliced (topping)
* 1 spoonful of sour cream (topping)
* Toasted sesame seeds (topping)
* Olive Oil for cooking
Get Started: Prepare brown rice as directed, fluff and set aside.
Step 1: Measure all dry ingredients in a bowl (except shredded coconut), set aside.
Step 2: In a large skillet, heat olive oil, over high heat add green pepper, onion and water chestnuts. Cook till browned but still crisp, transfer to a bowl, set aside.
Step 3: Add more olive oil (if needed), reduce heat to medium/high, add chicken. Sprinkle chicken lightly with powder mixture, cook until browned, flip chicken sprinkle lightly again, cook until browned and done (see Step 4), add chicken stock to chicken, stir gently until chicken is coated and remaining powder dissolves.
Step 4: After sprinkling chicken the second time, add container of greek coconut yogurt, fat-free half & half and shredded coconut to remaining powder mixture. Lightly whisk together and set aside, finish Step 3.
Step 5: Reduce skillet to low heat, add green peppers, onions and w. chestnuts to chicken, mix together. Add creamy mixture to skillet, mix well until everything is evenly heated. Do not over heat.
Step 6: Remove skillet from heat, let set to thinken for 5min. While Rock'in CC Chicken is setting, plate brown rice, when ready top rice with Rock'in CC Chicken, topped off with a spoonful of sour cream and scallions, sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds; ENJOY!
Dana Hunt-Me
Served Over Brown Rice
* 3 Boneless chicken breast cut into 1 in. chunks or strips
* 4 cups of brown rice cooked, prepared as directed
* 1 (4oz.) Container of Yoplait Greek coconut yogurt
* 1 1/2 - 2 tsp. curry powder
* 1 tsp. turmeric
* 1 tsp. garlic powder
* 1/2 tsp. white ground pepper
* 1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper
* 1 Large green pepper, cut into long strips
* 1 Medium sweet onion, cut into strips
* 1 (8oz.) can of diced water chestnuts
* 1/4 cup of shredded coconut
* 1/4 - 1/3 cup of fat-free half & half
* 1/4 - 1/3 cup of reduced sodium chicken stock
* 1 bunch scallions, thinly sliced (topping)
* 1 spoonful of sour cream (topping)
* Toasted sesame seeds (topping)
* Olive Oil for cooking
Get Started: Prepare brown rice as directed, fluff and set aside.
Step 1: Measure all dry ingredients in a bowl (except shredded coconut), set aside.
Step 2: In a large skillet, heat olive oil, over high heat add green pepper, onion and water chestnuts. Cook till browned but still crisp, transfer to a bowl, set aside.
Step 3: Add more olive oil (if needed), reduce heat to medium/high, add chicken. Sprinkle chicken lightly with powder mixture, cook until browned, flip chicken sprinkle lightly again, cook until browned and done (see Step 4), add chicken stock to chicken, stir gently until chicken is coated and remaining powder dissolves.
Step 4: After sprinkling chicken the second time, add container of greek coconut yogurt, fat-free half & half and shredded coconut to remaining powder mixture. Lightly whisk together and set aside, finish Step 3.
Step 5: Reduce skillet to low heat, add green peppers, onions and w. chestnuts to chicken, mix together. Add creamy mixture to skillet, mix well until everything is evenly heated. Do not over heat.
Step 6: Remove skillet from heat, let set to thinken for 5min. While Rock'in CC Chicken is setting, plate brown rice, when ready top rice with Rock'in CC Chicken, topped off with a spoonful of sour cream and scallions, sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds; ENJOY!
Dana Hunt-Me
Thursday, June 27, 2013
May I Have This Dance.
I danced the other day, it was a pivotal moment, a moment I knew would perhaps change many things, a hard decision that I did not want to make; but, I just could not stand by to only watch, I followed my heart. The fence finally opened and we set it free; I danced that day with a deer.
Dana Hunt-Me
Dana Hunt-Me
Friday, June 21, 2013
Life is so complex, yet so simple. If I had to describe Life in one word, and one word only, it truly would be...Bittersweet.
Dana Hunt- Me
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The Right.
Everything happens for a reason, and just at the right moment, no more or no less. Sometimes without knowing why, good or bad; just have faith and trust in the moment, that it is right.
Dana Hunt-Me
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Seeing is believing.
My three-year-old son ran off with my glasses, this is were they ended up.
(If you enjoy puzzels, try this one.)
Puts a whole new meaning to coke "bottle glasses." Do you see what I mean.....cause I can't!!
"I-I-I-I..... can't see."
Dana Hunt-Me
(If you enjoy puzzels, try this one.)
Puts a whole new meaning to coke "bottle glasses." Do you see what I mean.....cause I can't!!
"I-I-I-I..... can't see."
Dana Hunt-Me
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Happy~Tails Story:
My family loves animals, we work with our local animal shelter, to help foster animals in need of a home until they can find a permanent family. Remember, animal shelters can always use donations and most will happily welcome volunteers to help in many ways, contact yours for more details.
My husband and I, constantly say that we are a magnet for lost, unwanted and stray animals, we have come across many different animals along the way; dogs, cats, frogs, lizards and even a lamb, yes, I said lamb, which was tucked inside a bush in our yard. It is quite amazing how and where we have found them or, how and where they find us. It has been such a joyful experience for our family and our children just love it.
We feel so blessed and honored to help out our furry, woolly and scaly friends, especially when there is a Happy~Tail. Many of the animals we have taken under our wing, have found their way back home or a new loving home.
If your pet loses their way, call your local animal shelter(s) and animal control center to report your pet, the sooner the better. Make flyer's and post in your local areas; Veterinary Hospitals and pet supply stores are also a hot spot for flyer's. Post an ad in the local newspapers and pet finder websites.
Three top tips to keep your animal close:
* Have your animal(s) spayed or neutered, it helps them from straying and reduces the stray population.
* Check your animals collar to ensure it is working properly and is tightened but not too tight.
* Keep ID tags on your animal at all times and make sure all information is up to date and legible. This is the best way to get your animal back home to you.
"There's No Place Like HOME."
We have all found our homes!
A few Of Our Happy~Tails:
Don't forget, if you find a lost pet, report them as soon as possible and if you are considering a new pet, please think ADOPTION first.
In Loving Memory, Always In Our Hearts and Never To Be Forgot. We Miss You!
Dana Hunt-Me
My family loves animals, we work with our local animal shelter, to help foster animals in need of a home until they can find a permanent family. Remember, animal shelters can always use donations and most will happily welcome volunteers to help in many ways, contact yours for more details.
My husband and I, constantly say that we are a magnet for lost, unwanted and stray animals, we have come across many different animals along the way; dogs, cats, frogs, lizards and even a lamb, yes, I said lamb, which was tucked inside a bush in our yard. It is quite amazing how and where we have found them or, how and where they find us. It has been such a joyful experience for our family and our children just love it.
We feel so blessed and honored to help out our furry, woolly and scaly friends, especially when there is a Happy~Tail. Many of the animals we have taken under our wing, have found their way back home or a new loving home.
If your pet loses their way, call your local animal shelter(s) and animal control center to report your pet, the sooner the better. Make flyer's and post in your local areas; Veterinary Hospitals and pet supply stores are also a hot spot for flyer's. Post an ad in the local newspapers and pet finder websites.
Three top tips to keep your animal close:
* Have your animal(s) spayed or neutered, it helps them from straying and reduces the stray population.
* Check your animals collar to ensure it is working properly and is tightened but not too tight.
* Keep ID tags on your animal at all times and make sure all information is up to date and legible. This is the best way to get your animal back home to you.
"There's No Place Like HOME."
We have all found our homes!
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"Bo"- Lost and found |
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"Porter"- Homeless no more |
"Sampson"- Adopted |
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"Wesley"- Now known as, Jr., Found his calling with 4-H. |
"Niko, Ranger & Romeo" |
"Hemi"- Adopted |
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Lizards- "Greenie" was a stray. |
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"Sammie"- Adopted. |
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"Rocky" or "The Alpha"- Stray. |
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"Church"- Adopted. |
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"Foster"- The Family Mascot, Foster Dog- Adopted. |
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Frog x 3 |
Don't forget, if you find a lost pet, report them as soon as possible and if you are considering a new pet, please think ADOPTION first.
In Loving Memory, Always In Our Hearts and Never To Be Forgot. We Miss You!
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Loki |
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Poe |
Dana Hunt-Me
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Book Vs. Movie- James And The Giant Peach.
Book Vs. Movie- James And The Giant Peach.
By: Christian Hunt
This project is based on comparing a book to the movie. I have chosen to do, James and The Giant Peach. I have found through this project, that books and movies are very different. Books tend to have more detailed information, whereas movies tend to be shorter, with different ideas and plots.
In comparing the two I found some similarities, but I felt there were more differences. Here are a few similarities. First, the rhino takes James' parents away from him, which leaves him with his Evil Aunt's. Second, the Aunt's characters stay true to their characters within movie and book. Third, James happily lives out his life in New York City in a peach pit.
The differences I found, which I feel some should have not been left out of the movie were; The Cloud Men. I think The Cloud Men would have been more exciting to see in the movie, and I was sad the movie left them out. Second, The Aunt's were killed by the peach rolling over them in the book, the movie left them alive. Last but not least, New york City was a surprise location in the book and the movie based the plot about James going to New York City.
I have learned a lot while doing this project, and I thought it was very interesting to compare the book and the movie together. I feel I enjoyed the movie better because it helped me to place the characters in the book. I also enjoyed reading the book, especially the part with the Cloud Men. I have to say, the movie left out and changed many things from the book but the movie also had happier moments, making it joyful to watch.
Dana Hunt-Me
By: Christian Hunt
This project is based on comparing a book to the movie. I have chosen to do, James and The Giant Peach. I have found through this project, that books and movies are very different. Books tend to have more detailed information, whereas movies tend to be shorter, with different ideas and plots.
In comparing the two I found some similarities, but I felt there were more differences. Here are a few similarities. First, the rhino takes James' parents away from him, which leaves him with his Evil Aunt's. Second, the Aunt's characters stay true to their characters within movie and book. Third, James happily lives out his life in New York City in a peach pit.
The differences I found, which I feel some should have not been left out of the movie were; The Cloud Men. I think The Cloud Men would have been more exciting to see in the movie, and I was sad the movie left them out. Second, The Aunt's were killed by the peach rolling over them in the book, the movie left them alive. Last but not least, New york City was a surprise location in the book and the movie based the plot about James going to New York City.
I have learned a lot while doing this project, and I thought it was very interesting to compare the book and the movie together. I feel I enjoyed the movie better because it helped me to place the characters in the book. I also enjoyed reading the book, especially the part with the Cloud Men. I have to say, the movie left out and changed many things from the book but the movie also had happier moments, making it joyful to watch.
Dana Hunt-Me
Saturday, March 2, 2013
The Wheels Are Turning.
This is what happens when you get to attached to your new birthday gift.
"Understand that most problems are a good sign. Problems indicate that progress is being made, wheels are turning, you are moving toward your goals. Beware when you have no problems. Then you've really got a problem... Problems are like landmarks of progress."
Quote by: Scott Alexander
Dana Hunt-Me
Abram- 2013
"Understand that most problems are a good sign. Problems indicate that progress is being made, wheels are turning, you are moving toward your goals. Beware when you have no problems. Then you've really got a problem... Problems are like landmarks of progress."
Quote by: Scott Alexander
Dana Hunt-Me
Monday, February 25, 2013
Breathe the Truth.
The Movie "Bully." Released 2012
I believe if you breathe, you should watch this movie. It is the truth even though it is hard to sallow, this movie really does not sugar-coat anything. It will make you go through a trip of many emotions. Sad to say it is the truth, and it will make you want to change many things..., and change CAN be done if we can recognize the truth. It is a must see, if you can swallow the truth. Please watch it, especially if you have children!!!
Dana Hunt-Me
Monday, February 11, 2013
A Letter to Louise.
A Letter to Louise-
"Your words speak to me as if I wrote them myself....
I read the black impressed letters on the page, putting them together like a puzzle in my head, they reach out and touch me.
Brilliance, they are a beautiful collage.
Beauty, that emerges in all aspects of life.
The good, the bad, the truth.
You are a true inspiration, Louise."
Dana Hunt- Me
"Come to me, said the world. I was standing
in my wool coat at a kind of bright portal —
I can finally say
long ago; it gives me considerable pleasure. Beauty
the healer, the teacher —
death cannot harm me
more than you have harmed me,
my beloved life."
— from ''October'' (2004)
By- Louise Gluck
"Your words speak to me as if I wrote them myself....
I read the black impressed letters on the page, putting them together like a puzzle in my head, they reach out and touch me.
Brilliance, they are a beautiful collage.
Beauty, that emerges in all aspects of life.
The good, the bad, the truth.
You are a true inspiration, Louise."
Dana Hunt- Me
"Come to me, said the world. I was standing
in my wool coat at a kind of bright portal —
I can finally say
long ago; it gives me considerable pleasure. Beauty
the healer, the teacher —
death cannot harm me
more than you have harmed me,
my beloved life."
— from ''October'' (2004)
By- Louise Gluck
Monday, January 28, 2013
PeeU in the Pew.
Hey Parents, have you ever had a moment where you think to yourself; That can't possibly be my child, it just could not be! Here is one of mine, enjoy.
Many of my children's amusing, heart stopping, hilarious, nail-biting moments happen during church services. I assure you that the story I am about to share is off the chart. I just hope that God has a sense of humor and not a sense of smell, at least with this one.
It was a Thursday evening and we attended the Epiphany service at our church. Three of my four sons were the Wise Men in the church program. They looked so cute in the last minute costumes my husband made for them out of spare paint drapes. They made it down the aisle with their gifts to place at the front of the church without any hiccups, "SUCCESS" I thought to myself. Shew!
They returned to the pew and sat with us. This night, we were asked if we would sit closer to the front of the church since the boys had their roles to play. During normal church services we sit in the back pew for an easy escape route, with four young boys you never know what or will happen!
Our Pastor then started to deliver his sermon and began it with The Three Wise Men and the gifts of frankincense, myrrh and gold.
As soon as the sermon started, my son, Lucas, had a hard time controlling himself, as lots of children do. I asked him numerous times to sit still and be quite and finally, there was five minutes of peace on earth and then....out of the clear blue, LARGE sounds exited Lucas's rear end. My ears could not believe it, how could something so LOUD, come from something so small? I'm quite sure the hard wooden pew played a part in helping. It was as if someone set off a machine gun, POP...POP...POP...POP..POP. POP!!
(And keep in mind, this all happens in seconds!)
So if that was not bad enough, after the shots rang out, a second had passed and Lucas calmly cupped his hand and placed it to his rear, he then placed his cupped hand over his nose. This gives a whole new meaning to GAS MASK!!!
So if that was not worse enough, another second passed and as Lucas sat there, he then placed one foot on the pew and then the other foot on the pew and lowered his head between his legs.
I was in total shock and quickly looked at my husband to see if he saw and smelled, never mind heard (who didn't?!?!), what I just witnessed, and yep, he indeed did.
Tears began to run down my face, I slid down into the pew (no pun intended) and I went into total hysteria. Do you know how many sounds you can make by trying to hold in pure laughter, I made every single one of them. My husband could no longer look my way and began to count window panes to keep some kind of composer.
As this is happening, our Dear Pastor Luther is still delivering his sermon, and he is now discussing the aromas of the frankincense and myrrh, which only added to my hysteria. Pastor Luther looked at me many times throughout his sermon, as I was about to bust open my guts everywhere. He probably thought, wow, she has finally lost it! I thought very hard about excusing myself from the sermon but I don't believe I could have walked out on my own two feet, and crawling just was not an option.
After the sermon, a lady sitting in the next pew approached me and said, "I'm sure you get told this all the time but your son (Lucas) reminds me so much of Dennis the Menace." I replied, "All the time."
My husband and I really wanted to explain to Pastor Luther what had happened but we just did not know quite where to start, just because a fart.
And perhaps, that is why we have kids....God Bless (HELP) Us All in our moments and God Love Lucas!!
Dana Hunt-Me
Happenings- January, 7th 2013
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