Friday, August 31, 2012

Bowl of Cherries

Life is a bowl of cherries and rainbows, with sugar poured all over it! Have A Nice Day!!! ;)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

"The Way".

Friday, August 24, 2012

Marriage changes you.

  I have been happily married for six plus years, but it has changed me. It has made me a stronger person! Marriage is something that you have to work hard for and work together. It is not always butterflies and roses, and, is often bittersweet, especially when you have children. I love my husband, he is my total support system.

                                                            (Our Family)
   I will have to admit, it is always nice to make a good impression when you first meet someone new. And, then, meeting their family for the first time, a total nail biting experience for both parties. We, as people, always want to be excepted by others and fit into the mix. And I believe this goes for most everyone.

  I always was "The people pleaser", "The sucker", "The push-over", the type of girl who just smiled, when I really would have liked to say what was really on my mind. I was the rug under many others feet.

 Something in me has changed in these six years of marriage, NOT WHO I AM, but HOW I AM. I am no longer any of the above.

 What I did not do then, and what I will do now; *1.) I will speak my mind. *2.) I will be BOLDER. *3.) I will be wiser.
  I wish there were do overs, I have to say, I would not change many things, for they are life experiences, and stepping stones of life, but I would change a few.

**Example#1: About 6 years ago my husband had no idea that his cat, Poe, was under the van and well, you know what happened next. My husband cried for days and was so hurt. So we decided to adopt another cat and hoped that this one would stay inside. Poe, had already experienced the outdoors when we received him, and if anyone who has cats, knows how hard it is to convert them to just indoor cats. So my Brother-In-Law, heard it through the grapevine, that we had a new cat. He kindly told us, "So I heard you got another cat, are you going to run that one over too." He's one of those type of people who really shows his ass often and is so full of class. We kept quite and that defiantly would not happen now for sure.

                         (Poe with Christian)    
**Example#2: Almost 5 years ago, I gave birth to our twins, and my, Sister-In-Law, had not the nicest of words for me the following day at the hospital (She must have foot in mouth syndrome). But, the sucker that I am just smiled. Then, I fixed her whole family a spaghetti dinner, two days after leaving the hospital, with one baby still in ICU. Yep, that was really, really stupid of me, and there are NO DO OVERS! And once again, "Stupid is, as stupid does.". Lesson learned.

                               (Jeff and Logan, in ICU, at Winchester, VA)

**Example #3: I would proudly ask two of my, now, dearest of friends, to take the place of "others" as my bridesmaids on my wedding day. I'm quite sure lots of people would say the same about theirs. And of course, Leah, you would always be my Maid of Honor.

**Example#4: One of our neighbors made a comment that my husband was putting a hurting on our riding lawn mower. Now, I would so tell him where he could place our mower. Like he has so much room to talk, a man should not look seven months pregnant.

  I to have made my fare share of mistake(s), and I have stood my ground and apologized for my mistake(s),(most of them being at a fence line, perhaps, that is where the saying, "Mending Fences" came from). I should have listened to my heart, and not what "others" told me. I now make my own opinions (not judgments) of others, and I will not let others guide me into theirs.

  For better or worse, marriage changes you.

Dana Hunt- Me

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Aggressive Animal Haters, Pool Ogres and "Hippo"critical People.

 I would like to take the time to share with you my experience that occurred yesterday (8/22/2012) and just a taste more. Is it right?! You can make your own opinion of it? But, this is the type of stuff that has been happening around here for Six-Plus-Years. And, Yes, it is every bit negative and you can thank the person that pushed my last button for that! So if you do not like negative things, don't read.

 I had left the house so proudly, to take my son (The new 3rd grader!!!!) to his first day of school, which is about a 7 minute round trip. I left my 3 dogs outside, knowing they would be fine for that time, and yes, they are dogs, and, yes, they do bark at people as they pass by our home.

 As I drove into my drive-way, I saw, Bob, "The President" of our H.O.A, at our fence, aggressively yelling at the top of his lungs at our dogs. "SHUT UP YOU DAMN DOGS, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE....... GO.......GO!!". Well first of all, I can not begin to even remotely explain my fury, and how real mature of him; and like the dogs are going to respond positive to that......,DAG ON UGLY IDIOT OGRE that he is. Second of all, he does not even live next door to us. Third of all, the dogs are in their own backyard. "Stupid is as stupid does".

  Needless to say, we exchanged words. I told him, "How dare you talk to my animals that way, and this neighborhood is going to crap!". He kindly told me, "You should get the hell out of "MY" neighborhood", and that we "Were just like our dogs!!". This is the man who posted signs up in our community that reads: No ATVs, No Dirt bikes and No Go-Carts. We are also not suppose to have RVs either, that issue comes later. He, Bob, ("THE UGLY OGRE"), regularly rides his ATV up and down the road of our community.  

                     One of our, oh no, sorry, "HIS" signs that are posted
   Also, my first job was at a K.O.A, I never knew I would live at one. Our community looks like a RV park, including Bob's house (Oh, that's right, he has a "waiver").  His garage was built about a foot too short, (story of his life I'm sure), so his RV won't fit. So, he got a "waiver" from the board for that, he's so cool!! And not that I have a problem with RVs, but there are facilities built for storing them, instead of your drive-way.

                                             This is on Pinewood Lane (Norwood South)
                                             This is Pinewood Lane (Norwood South)
                                             This is on Pinewood Lane (Norwood South)
                                            This is on Pinewood Lane (Norwood South)
                                           This is our neighbors view from their home.
                                             This is our neighbors view from their yard.
                                                This is a view for the side of our yard.
This is our lovely view from our deck.
      You can see the fence we placed up to "try" to cover it up. Our next door neighbors were "heartbroken" and so "hurt" that we put it up. I also, so got my butt chewed off for the fence (at least she called and apologize for chewing me out).The same neighbors who kindly gave me the warning that my so called "family-in-law" has spreading the word of "our" third pregnancy, which was very uncertain, and we had not even told our own children, because we were not sure there would be a pregnancy (Abram, is here and beautiful by the way, and, Thank God, I (We) had never prayed so hard in my entire life)!  So, "they" decided that this was acceptable even after "they" told the neighborhood about our SECOND pregnancy (Jeff, had ZERO joy in spreading the word about going to be a father, because they did that for him). Jeff, was so gracious for keeping his mouth shut about it that time it happened, I felt very sad for him. However, it did not go over so well the next time they told the neighborhood, and my head hit the roof hard when our son, Christian, found out from someone else, not us (And call me crazy, but wouldn't most "normal" people be very very ticked-off)!  So, yes, I called "them" and I feel that I was rightful for being angry, especially when they told everyone and never said one word to me. I received no sorry, just a, I don't understand why you are so upset and the very, very kind words that spilled out of my husbands," Brother-In-Laws" mouth in the background, lots and lots of F words! I have not spoken to them since that day. Seems they like to gossip and felt they had a right to spread the word, sometimes things should just be kept personal and private ( but,not in this hood).  You totally deserve one another.  P.S.- No one ever asked us (or others around us), how we felt about looking at  RVs. Especially while we eat our meals at our dinning room table or on our deck. THINK ABOUT IT???

  Now here are the new stop signs that went up in front of our house, which Bob installed, that hardly no one STOPS for. Good ol' ,Bob, does not stop either, half the time, or he performs the good Ol' California Roll!! "RATHER MEANINGLESS STOP SIGNS", as Bob says in his comment, see below.
                        (Three-way stop has been up since June 2012)
   Anyway, I'm sure his parents are so proud of Bob, Jr., you may know them? It is such a shame, his father seems like such a nice guy! But, they may lose many customers from this. Sorry, Bob Sr., my heart  truly goes out to you.

  In fact, Bob Jr. (THE UGLY OGRE), was working at my parents next door neighbor's pool.  My parents dog ran to the fence and barked at him. Dogs so definitely know who are good and who are bad.  He once again, yelled at my parents dog. He had no idea that my mom, was in the backyard and was listening to his jerkish words!! I'm sure his father and mother, would not like, nor would be pleased, how their business is being run by their son.

  So, if you are ever in need of an "UGLY POOL OGRE", and have animals, I would reconsider calling him, because you might not have one after the job is done.  :(

  Dear Bob,

  You should have taken the finger like a MAN, though you would know nothing of that, what the heck, did you really think you would get a kind wave back?  When I moved into the neighborhood ("The new one on the block", and I did not know better at the time, I so do know), I was told you were only the, "pervert next door". You pulled this with "them", a fence was installed between your houses, now you're back to sharing cookouts. You got to love the "Family-In-Laws"!

  Why are they so fixated in talking about us. We want nothing to do with them.  We don't talk to them, we don't socialize with them, we don't speak, wave or look at them.  We try to ignore them, yet, time and time again, we are the topic of their conversations.  Why?  Get over it, get over yourselves, live your lives and let us live ours.  As soon as we can move we will. ("GET OUT",I used in all caps as Bob does in his comment below)!

  P.S... This has never ever had to do with "The Girls", or my Parent-In-Laws....I still love you to pieces and always will. I wish you all the very best, even, my husbands "Brother-In-Laws", "other" daughter! I also know how it feels to be a single parent! 
           And, To My Dear, Dear, Nieces, you should know your, Uncle Jeff, is a noble man, and you may not know it now, but you will, I PROMISE!!!!!!

Dana Hunt- Me

Animal Lovers

  As anyone who knows me, I am a huge animal lover. We have 5 of our own cats, three dogs, three frogs, two lizards and too many fish to count. We also foster animals from shelters in our county, and we currently have one foster cat at this time.
  People do not understand how overwhelmed the shelters are with dogs, and more so with cats. They even have to turn down animals because there is just not enough room to keep them. You can always help you local animal shelters in so many ways:
#1- Donate money (which many of us have little of).
#2- Donate your time to help clean at a shelter.
#3- Donate food, cat litter, blankets, crates, cages, collars, cleaning supplies, and pet beds to the shelter.
#4- Become a foster family and open your door and hearts to the animals.
#5- Donate you time on adoption days at local pet supply shops and other special events.

  Volunteering is so rewarding, and is also great for teens to do great community services and have fun at the same time.

  Our local animal supply stores (Pet Co., PetSmart, Tractor Supply Co and many, many more) also help out our shelters in a big way, so hats off to them as well, and we thank you! Also, many of our restaurants will donate a percentage to the shelters (clap, clap to you guys too).
There is so many was we can help out our furry friends. Also, always have your cats and dogs spayed or neutered and ID tags on them at all times.
Dana Hunt- Me
Animal Welfare Society of Jefferson Co., West Virginia (A No Kill Shelter)
Mailing Address:
PO Box 147
Charles Town, WV 25425
Shelter Address:
23 Poor Farm Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
Phone: (304) 725-0589
Shelter Hours:

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

God, Church and Money???

  Can we buy our wings or our way into the pearly gates?

  I understand that churches rely on their members and the community to support its needs, but when does it go to far? Lets not make it complicated.

  I have always believed in God. At an early age, my parents instilled church and, God, in me. As I got a bit older, I began to notice that not the church, but the people in the the church seemed very judgemental and very opinionated. Like if you sat in the wrong pew, didn't drop enough money into the offering plate or did not have on quite the right clothing.

 I know this is not God's way. It was like being in Jr. High all over again. I self taught myself, that no matter where I was, God, was with me. I always felt closer to him on a mountaintop, than sitting on a pew that kills my back.

 After finding out that my third pregnancy was not going well my husband and I found a church that we loved dearly. The Pastor was awesome and I enjoyed listening to him speak of, God, and his journeys. Also, the few members they had were great too. So we decided to join this church because it felt welcoming, peaceful, inviting and warm. I wanted to help out this church as much as I could; and I wished very much that I could help more, but with a house of six people, money gets tight. 

 So there we sat in the pew hoping to drop as much money as we could into the offering plate. I told my husband, I wish they had a credit card machine to send up the aisle. Sad to say, but without credit, we would not make it; and that is probably true for many families. I just wish we could do more to help the church financially.

 With the family of six being said, we would not regularly make it to church every Sunday. It always seems that someone is always sick, having a tantrum, or on-call. It's completely amazing that we ever leave our home.

 So finally, one Sunday we made it to church, fashionably late, but we made it. That days sermon was based on money and the percentage of money you should give based on your annual income. A member spoke and gave the breakdown of percentages to family ratio. Was I back in math 101? They kindly named off two or three families that had donated, which was nice, but what about everyone else who sat there? I began to feel like I was at an awards ceremony and not church.

 Perhaps, I'm looking to hard into it, but the mountaintop is looking so great to me.